Release Date: May 15th, 2020
Application Due: June 30th, 2020
Start Date: September 1st, 2020
Access Complete RFA Here: drp_rfa_2020_final1.pdf
Purpose: The Weill Cornell Medicine Prostate Cancer SPORE is soliciting applications for one-year Developmental Research Projects (DRPs). The primary goal of this RFA is to support innovative translational research projects that address key challenge areas in prostate cancer research. DRP funding is expected to expand and/or complement the scope of the existing SPORE with the ultimate goal of accelerating the discovery and development of interventions intended to improve therapeutic outcomes for prostate cancer patients. The most successful pilot projects could ultimately lead to future incorporation as full Prostate SPORE projects or other peer-reviewed grant application(s)(e.g., PCF, DOD, or R01).
Eligibility: All faculty members (instructor level or higher) are eligible. Applications from underrepresented minority and population science investigators are strongly encouraged. Investigators outside of the prostate cancer field who agree to participate in the Prostate Cancer SPORE are encouraged to apply. Investigators previously funded through this mechanism (in the last 3 years) are not eligible to apply as PI. Previously funded investigators may be Co-Investigators on an application. This RFA is open to investigators from the Tri-I (Weill Cornell Medicine, Rockefeller University, MSKCC) and Columbia University.
Proposals must address critical translational questions related to prostate cancer. Preliminary data in the field of prostate cancer are not required. Partnerships between basic and clinical scientists are encouraged but not required. Utilization of at least one of the Prostate SPORE Cores or shared resources.
Awards: Up to $75,000 for one year commencing September 1, 2020. Successful awardees will be eligible to recompete for a second year of funding. Up to four awards will be made depending on the quality of the applications.